week in the life

Thursday (Week in the Life 2018 Day 4)

It’s starting to feel a bit like Groundhog’s Day around here. Good morning everybody!  It’s looking a lot like May out there!  Tired teachers.  Excessive pollen. Endless driving to activities. Tired parents. Dishes. Laundry. Tests.  Tired students.  Pardon me while I go smash my alarm clock into a million pieces and shred the calendar into…

Fastest Things on Wings – A Day in the Life of a Hummingbird Rescue Volunteer

Fastest Things on Wings – A Day in the Life of a Hummingbird Rescue Volunteer

This is the story that caught my attention… Every 20 minutes, from dawn to dark, the babies need food. That means catching hundreds of fruit flies a day, freezing them, crushing them with mortar and pestle, and mixing the mush with special nectar supplemented with vitamins, enzymes, and oils in precise combination. The mixture spoils…