It’s starting to feel a bit like Groundhog’s Day around here.
Good morning everybody! It’s looking a lot like May out there! Tired teachers. Excessive pollen. Endless driving to activities. Tired parents. Dishes. Laundry. Tests. Tired students. Pardon me while I go smash my alarm clock into a million pieces and shred the calendar into bits.
There. I feel better now. Of course, it didn’t work for Bill Murray in the movie so I’m pretty sure it won’t work for me either. To get the full Groundhog Day effect, be sure to read Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday first.
Okay, all caught up? Great. Here we go…
Ready to see what Day 4 of Week in the Life looked like for me?
5:45 a.m. Alarm goes off. I’m so tired and confused that I swear it’s playing a different song today. It’s not.
Let’s shake things up and document the morning list style.
- Go downstairs.
- Make coffee.
- Lie on the couch.
- Make lunches.
- Make sure Ryan is awake.
- Get ready for school.
- Forget to use my inhaler.
- Walk the dog.
- Top off the dishwasher and turn it on.
- Get dinner started in the crockpot.
- Take out the trash.
- Make breakfast #1, #2, and iced coffee.
- Eat breakfast #1.
- Type a couple sentences for today’s blog.
- Forget to use inhaler again.
- Take picture of lazy dog and feel jealous of his easy life.
- Go to school.
- Set up maypole.
And so it goes…

At school today we did an extra May Day practice first thing then finished our Mother’s Day cards. All that’s left to do is put them in the bags and send them home. Then time for more May Day practice and playground. The dance is slightly better than yesterday but still a mess. Can’t wait for tomorrow when we have a school-wide run-through for everyone to see. I love seeing the dances of the other classes but don’t feel ready for them to see us.

2. Miss Lilah leading the way to our “stopping tree”. When we get there, she holds my hand and looks for cars before we cross the street to the parking lot.
After school I dropped off Lilah then went to see Geno and Ziva. The grandparents are in town today it turns out so I didn’t need to go. I had a lovely visit with them though so I don’t mind the extra trip. After dog (non)duty I go to Starbucks for my latte and the Whole Foods to buy milk. While I’m there I get a Thunderstorm Watch text which reminds me I’m supposed to hurrying so I can get Rocco’s walk in before any potential storms. Rocco is not a fan of thunder and won’t go outside if he hears any.

1:50 p.m. Home. I unload the groceries and put them away then take Rocco out for his walk. When we get home I eat my lunch (a slice of sausage and peppers pizza from Whole Foods) then head upstairs to Mommy Horizontal Land. Wow – it’s only 2:39 p.m. Dinner’s already done other than starting a pot of rice and I don’t have to go anywhere until we leave for soccer at 4. It’s like having a day off! I do have a headache so maybe I should take advantage of the break and try to sleep it off or something. I’d love to read a book but I can’t start another one right now. I just don’t have time to read and I’ve proven over and over again that if I have a choice between a book and ANYTHING else, I will choose the book. The only solution is to just avoid books unless I know I have plenty of time to read.

Inspiration strikes – I’ll watch an episode of Returning the Favor. I’m behind in the season and each feel-good episode is only about 20 minutes long which is perfect. Of course this doesn’t help my headache any because I end up crying as usual. Happy tears, of course, but even happy tears give me a headache.
4:00 p.m. The episode ends just in time. Throw my stuff together, grab a snack, my coffee and a motrin, and head out for soccer practice. Today I stay at the field in case bad weather rolls in. Allie calls so we chat for a few minutes just as Felisa comes back to the van. Thunder and lightning but it looks like it will pass quickly so we’re all just waiting at the field.

5:22 p.m. All clear. Soccer practices resumes and I work on my cross-stitch project while listening to a podcast. The first hour is usually pretty peaceful. After that the parking lot and fields get busy and the calm nature atmosphere dissipates.

7:07 p.m. Home! I don’t care for adobo so my dinner is a college dining hall throwback – toasted peanut butter and raspberry jam. Mmm. I’m still a little hungry and Bella is using my computer for homework so I put some Grape-Nuts cereal into a bowl of milk and leave it to soak while I walk the dog. (I originally confessed my love of soggy cereal here.)

A few neighbors are out chatting so Rocco and I stop to talk for awhile before we walk. My low-key afternoon and my evening socializing are just what the doctor ordered to ease my grumpy mood. I’m not sure it will hold through the morning but tomorrow is Friday so it can’t be that bad, right? Right???

2. Video game time for Ryan. After 3 AP tests this week, I think he deserves a break.
After my walk, I put away the leftovers and bring my soggy cereal upstairs to eat while I’m typing this post. On tv tonight while I’m working is “channel-surfing a la Ron” for awhile. Eventually he settles on We Are Marshall.
Post written. Time to edit and add pictures then bedtime, hopefully before 11.