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I have been feeling very down lately, very hopeless at the general state of affairs in our world.  This is not my natural tendency, to feel sad and hopeless, and I needed to do something about it.  It’s time to pick myself up and focus on myself, on my own small piece of the world at large.  What am I doing to make our world a better, more civil, place?  What am doing RIGHT NOW to make a difference?  And better yet, what can I do to encourage others to also work to make our world a more civil place?


Kindness is contagious and we need to be spreading that stuff around like it’s the answer to the meaning of life.  First off, always use your manners. Here, let’s practice.  Repeat after me.

“Yes, please.”

“No, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Excuse me.”

See now that wasn’t so hard, was it?

Take a breath.  Put your phone down and engage in the community, in life around you.  Go outside.  Smile at someone and say good morning.  Hold the door.  Let someone go in front of you.  Quit pushing past in your rush to be first.


Basically, put someone else first.  In our rush to embrace self-care and mindfulness we have made “ME” more important than “YOU”.  Self-care is important of course.  But I feel like the world has become dangerously self-centered and a plague of “ME ME ME” has taken over the world.  Don’t let the technology and the machines take away our humanity.  How easy it is to hide behind a computer screen or act like a maniac behind the wheel of a car because no one can see us, because we don’t have to look another human being in the eyes.

Slow down.




There are many things we can be doing right now to be part of the solution.  Things that we can do every single minute of every single day.  Things that shouldn’t wait.  Be nice. Be thoughtful.  Be a good role model.  Take the high road. Be the better person.


small acts can transform the world quote
“A change is coming. Let it start in me.” We are kind, loving, human beings. We must act like it. Let’s start today.


Remember, this kindess stuff is contagious.  We want it to spread.  Don’t wait for someone else to act first. Don’t let fear tell you that you can’t make a difference, because you can. We can. We will.  We just have to start.


“There’s a change coming.

Let it start in me.”


Ask yourself – What am I doing?  What am I doing right this second to make a difference?

3 day kindness journey email challenge behind every day
Click this banner to join me on a 3 day kindness journey to make ourselves and the world just a little bit better.



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