I did a great job of capturing my day. Maybe too good of a job because so far I’ve typed up only about a third of my notes. I decided to break my day up into sections to make a shorter, easier read. Here we go – My life on Thursday, March 14, 2018:
Before Work…
0545 Alarm goes off. Lie there for a minute trying to decide if I want to snatch another 10 minutes before the snooze goes off. Decide to get up. Realize I forgot to charge my phone last night so I’m starting the day at 46%.
Head downstairs to get the coffee started. Rocco hears me coming so abandons his main level kennel bed in favor of my upstairs bedroom floor. I have no idea why he does that every day.
0553 Be impressed everyone – I remembered to put the laundry in the dryer before my phone reminded me. Now Felisa will have dry pants for soccer practice later. (Spoiler alert – she didn’t bother to put the pants in the laundry after the shower because of course they wouldn’t be clean for practice the next day. Which is usually true. So all my heroic efforts on this occasion are for naught. Oh well – win some, lose some.)
0555 See a text message received last night at 10:49 p.m. The Girl Scout parent that was supposed to be dropping her cookie money off last night forgot and had just remembered. I had already given up and gone to sleep. Debate answering her now but decide to wait. Maybe she’s still asleep.
Coffee is brewing, laundry is drying – time to flop on the couch -under a blanket!- and stare at my phone for awhile. I might be out of bed but I am definitely not up yet.
0633 Rocco comes back downstairs to his kennel because Ron is getting up now. (Seriously – why is he such a weirdo? Sleep in his kennel until I get up then sleep in the bedroom until Ron gets up then go back to his kennel again.) Ron grabs coffee then goes to wake up Felisa. I stay on the couch in denial just a bit longer.

0637 Time to get moving. Ugh. I don’t want to get up! Daily lunch box hunt and gather commences. Once I have them I clear out yesterday’s remnants and start on today’s lunch. It’s not a workout day for me so I’m less rushed. That means ham and turkey sandwiches for two instead of just PB&J. Ham for Ryan because he doesn’t like turkey. Turkey for Felisa because she doesn’t like ham. (Seriously – why can’t they just like the same deli meat?!) Peanut butter for Bella every day. At some point I developed a lunch box formula that I follow every day. Sandwich, fruit and/or vegetable, something crunchy, dessert, water. The flavors may change but the basic formula stays the same.
0659 Rocco wants to go outside.
0703 Lunches are ready. Now I’m just waiting for Felisa to leave.

0708 Rocco comes back in.
0710 Felisa’s ride is here. Time for me to get dressed.
0711 Bella comes downstairs.
0712 The bathroom is occupied so I use the time to make copies of work for the kids to do at school today while I’m waiting. I was going to do it last night but didn’t. Why do it today if you can put it off until tomorrow! Is that how the saying goes? No?

0717 Ryan has emerged from his room.
0718 Heading back upstairs to get dressed.
0725 Time to go. Ryan, Bella, Rocco and I head out. When we get to the corner we do our last minute schedule check – who’s staying after, who’s coming home, ride available or not? Then high school kids head left towards the bus stop. Rocco and I head right to complete our walk around the block. Noteable features from our walk this morning: the neighbor’s Birdseed Buffet is busy. Even Rocco pauses for a minute to check out the birds and squirrels just inside the fence. Moving on we are serenaded by the birds. Very chatty this morning. My new friend, the husky that lives on the corner, is outside this morning so I say hi as we pass.
0743 Make it home. Brr – cold again this morning. Time to feed the dog then top off the dishwasher, turn it on, take out the trash, pack up my school papers, get breakfast #1 (a cinnamon roll), and head upstairs.

0804 The last few minutes of calm before the rest of the day starts. Check my email and Facebook and planner. Make my “must do” list for today. On the list- finish my blog ad for the musical program (due tomorrow), call the gas company to make sure the meter replacement is legit and not a scam, dog job, leprechaun business after school, and pull pictures for Shutterfly (saw an email this morning that they are doing free prints again but today only – not sure I realistically have time but maybe).
0815 Time to go. I wonder how my step count is so far today. 3,154 steps. Oh yeah – I also need to find the lyrics for the water cycle song. It wasn’t in my binder after all when I looked earlier.
0821 Found my lyrics but now I’m late. Grab my planner and head down to the kitchen to get coffee and food for school.

0829 Leaving. Definitely late. Good thing I live 3 blocks from work. Very few traffic jams!