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Hello Saturday! Nice to see you!

Make my coffee then come back upstairs to watch Biblioburro.  I’m writing a post about it and I’ve been meaning to finish watching the documentary but haven’t had a chance.  It’s in Spanish with subtitles so I can’t multi-task while watching which means finding time (after first remembering to find the time in the first place!). It was great – so much more detail than the shorter videos I had already seen.  Read my post (which I will be finishing soon!) and watch the movie.  It’s worth it.

9:00 a.m. Finally up and dressed to take Rocco out for his walk.  He has been in the backyard already but the morning walk must never be missed.  Just ask him.  He’ll tell you.

Updates from the soccer field – Felisa is a starter!

soccer game
Saturday morning game in New Jersey

When we get back I give him his breakfast then refill his vitamin jar. Next priority is to get the Mothers Day cards addressed and out before the mailman comes.

week in the life
Blessed to have so many mothers in our lives… getting the cards ready to go in the mail. (Yes, they will be late. BUT – they will be postmarked before Mothers Day!)

Now I have about 25 minutes before I need to pick up Bella from the sleepover.  I’ll spend a few minutes on dishes before I go.  Remember yesterday when I said that the kitchen is a wreck?  It still is.  Bella loaded the dishwasher before she left yesterday but I need to top it off before I turn it on.  I also need to deal with all the large cooking pots and pans that won’t go into the dishwasher.  The pile is quite large and smelly.

Ron sends an update about Felisa’s soccer game in New Jersey. Tied at half.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m still not done but I’ve made a dent and it’s time to go.  Rocco is begging for a car ride so I let him come along.

week in the life dog in car
Rocco loves to ride in the car!
week in the life
Bella got the Puppy Award at the guard sleepover because she has the personality of a puppy. (Last year it was the Most Over-Dramatic Introvert because she was also in drama.)

After I get Bella we stop at McDs for my breakfast treat. Back at home I eat my breakfast and finish typing up my Biblioburro post.  I was able to find more updated information today that I hadn’t found when I first began my research and I’m happy with what I’ve found to share.

11:36 a.m. Bella arrives in my room, dressed in her Hufflepuff gear, ready for a ride to the movies. Puffs is showing at theatres for two days only.  She and a friend are going to see it.

Ron sends pictures from the beach house.

paddle board canal
Enjoying the nice weather at the beach house after the game.
week in the life
This girl loves the beach house!

After dropping the girls off, it’s back home to start the laundry.  Laundry is just one of the chores I was neglecting this past week as I spent every spare second writing daily blog posts.   I don’t recommend ignoring the laundry for a week.

laundry day week in the life
The laundry situation is a bit rough here today. On the left, clean laundry that needs to be folded. In the middle, my laundry philosophy (as you can probably tell!). On the right is the dirty laundry still waiting.

Now time for more Hallmark movies. And a little cross-stitching.

3:00 p.m. Bella texts that the movie is over so I go pick the girls up.

6:15 p.m. Ordering Pizza Hut delivery for dinner.

After dinner a small thunderstorm rolls through.  Rocco is a little scared. Time to give up the cross-stitch for the day and get this post typed up. It’s almost bed time!

week in the life cross stitch
Doing some more stitching today while watching Hallmark movies. Does it look any different from the other day?



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