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I’m so excited to announce that I am on an episode of This Indulgent Life, the Podcast!  I spent an hour talking to Mary all about our annual Big Trip and could have kept talking all day long.  I just love to talk about our trips. 😊

All ready for my very first podcast interview! Thanks to Mary at This Indulgent Life for letting me talk about our Big Trips!
All ready for my very first podcast interview! Thanks to Mary at This Indulgent Life for letting me talk about our Big Trips!

You can listen to the podcast on This Indulgent Life (episode 10!) or on your favorite podcast streaming app (I like Stitcher!).  Or maybe you’d like to watch me talking with my hands?  If so you can watch and listen on YouTube.

Previous Trips and Planning Tips

I’ve got the summary from our latest road trip, Big Trip Lucky 13 here, which includes links to more details about some of our stops.


If you’d like more info about how I plan my trips, check my epic road trip planning post.


A few pictures from things I mentioned in the podcast

There are several pictures and details on the podcast page at This Indulgent Life but here are a couple more just for fun.

kitchen cooked chips in illinois a family favorite
Stocking up on our favorite potato chips!
snow camping in bryce canyon national park
Camping in the snow… check! It was SOOOOO cold!
in front of the date and time clock at royal gorge in colorado
At the Royal Gorge on our very first road trip!  See how little they are?


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You don’t want to be left behind at the rest stop do you? Sign up now to stay up to date on the latest happenings at Behind Every Day!


Tell your friends!

Pin it to spread the word all about our crazy Big Trips!

For 13 years I have driven my minivan full of children across the United States in our annual Big Trip summer road trip. Highways and back roads alike, looping our way around America, seeing everything we can each year. Listen to my interview with This Indulgent Life to hear my secrets, successes, and failures of family road trip travels that have been gathered on the road.
Take our lessons learned to make your road trip even better!

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    1. It was so great! I had so much fun talking to you and now I have a new friend. 🙂 Did you notice the picture of the potato chips up above? haha

  1. I loved your interview! You are such a good storyteller and shared some great tips. Its neat to listen to podcasts because I feel like I just had a conversation with you and am excited to keep hearing more!

  2. I just discovered your blog and can’t wait to listen to the podcast. My husband and I are empty-nesters but like to travel with our nephews and niece (ages 16, 14, and 7). We like to give them experiences rather than just more stuff.

  3. I loved reminiscing with the old pictures and seeing the kids soooo little and adorable 🙂 Glad I could occasionally be a part of your adventure

    1. Thanks for listening. 🙂 We always love to visit you when our route works out that way! Thanks for letting us borrow your couches and guest bed.

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