I’m pretty sure it’s required that you visit the World’s Largest Potato and the Idaho Potato Museum when you go to Idaho.
The Idaho Potato Museum is located inside an old railroad depot in Blackfoot, Idaho, and right out front, just begging for a photo, is the World’s Largest Potato.

Inside the museum, you will learn the history of the potato itself as well as what makes Idaho so perfect for growing such delicious spuds.
Other fun things you’ll see at the museum…
- Potato Masher collection
- Harvesting equipment
- Talking potato video storytime
- World’s Largest Potato Crisp
On the way out, be sure to stop at the Potato Cafe and enjoy a variety of potato snacks!
Sneak Peek at the Idaho Potato Museum
Enjoy this video that gives a short history of what makes the Idaho potato so special along with a peek inside the museum
Pictures from the museum
Here are a few of my favorites from our visit to the Potato Museum… An excellent sampling of what you can find inside!

Potato Crisp vs Potato Chip
At the Potato Museum, we saw the World’s Largest Potato Crisp. And learned the difference between a potato crisp and a potato chip.

A potato crisp is made from processed dehydrated potatoes that are formed into the shape of a potato chip.
A potato chip is a thin slice of fresh potato that is fried in oil.
See how the Pringles Potato Crisps are made-
See how Pringles are made in this video clip…
This next video clip from Unwrapped shows the quality control process at the Pringles factory. Who wants to be a taste-tester??
Watch a potato harvest
Maybe it’s the Midwest farm girl in me, but I really enjoyed watching this video of the potato harvest at Coma Farms. Of course, I also enjoyed the pistachio harvesting videos too. It must be in my genes to love farming!
Potato Podcast Episodes
Regular readers know I love my podcasts! Here are a couple podcast episodes about potatoes that you may also enjoy.
Digging Deeper into the Irish Potato Famine
As a follow-up to the podcast episode above, I wanted to mention this primary source document that gives a boots-on-the-ground perspective of what life was like in Ireland during the famine. Mrs. Asenath Nicholson documented her travels and charity work in Ireland during the famine to share with Americans back home.
Annals of the Famine in Ireland – 1847, 1848, and 1849
I read most of it as part of an audiobook project and it is quite interesting. I was struck by the vast disparity between the rich and the poor. It didn’t have to be as bad as it was for the poor people, but human greed and insensitivity played a part as it often does.
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Thanks for the blog about the Idaho Potato Museum. David and I loved that museum when we visited in 2017, and it totally ruined the Canada Potato Museum (on PEI) for us later because it just couldn’t match it (although it was nice in its own way). 🙂
I had no idea there was a Canada Potato Museum! I’ll have to look it up if I ever get a chance to visit PEI (which I definitely hope to one day!).