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We don’t make many stops in Louisiana on our summer road trips because it’s just too hot. But on Big Trip 15 we visited the Tabasco® Factory and Museum and it is one of our favorites from all the years.

entrance sign for Tobasco Factory at Avery Island, Louisiana

Tabasco History

Tabasco Sauce is made by McIlhenny Company, which was founded by Edmund McIlhenny in 1868 on Avery Island, Louisiana. The business is still family-owned and the original recipe is still in use today.

exterior of Tabasco Museum building at Tabasco Factory in Avery Island, Louisiana

The Museum includes McIlhenny family history and artifacts in addition to information about the sauce itself as well as interesting facts about Avery Island.

displays inside Tabasco Museum at Avery Island, Louisiana

I particularly enjoyed learning about how civic-minded the family is and how they participated in the community and supported the nation.

Tour the Tabasco Factory

A self-guided tour leads you through the entire Tabasco sauce-making process from the greenhouse where you can see the peppers growing through the barrel-aging warehouse to the final product.

exterior of Tabasco greenhouse at Tabasco Factory in Avery Island, Louisiana
hot peppers growing in the greenhouse at Tabasco Factory in Avery Island, Louisiana
barrels of aging tabasco sauce lined up inside a warehouse at Tabasco Factory in Avery Island, Louisiana
Vacation Mouse sitting on a tabasco sauce aging barrel on display at Tabasco Factory tour
Vacation Mouse with a miniature bottle of Tabasco sauce in his front pocket with large Tabasco Sauce bottles in the background

Tabasco Super Bowl Commercial

Just for fun…

I don’t know how you feel about mosquitos, but they’re not my favorite. If you are also not a fan, then you might really enjoy this commercial from the 1998 Super Bowl.


Don’t Skip Jungle Gardens!

We weren’t planning to visit Jungle Gardens which is adjacent to the Tabasco Factory but they were only selling combo tickets on the day we visited. At the last minute we decided to do a quick drive-thru on our way out and we were so glad we did. The garden was quiet, peaceful, and lovely.

pond with small island at Jungle Gardens in Avery Island, Louisiana

Even the alligators were peaceful…

alligator resting on the edge of a pond

Jungle Gardens was created by Ned McIlhenny, son of Tabasco founder Edmund McIlhenny. Ned was an Arctic explorer, naturalist, and conservationist. He built his home in what is now Jungle Gardens and set it up as a bird conservatory. Many species now call Jungle Gardens home.

gorgeous trees with spanish moss at Jungle Gardens in Avery Island, Louisiana

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Photo collage of Tabasco museum entrance, Vacation Mouse sitting on barrels with mini tabasco sauce bottle, and peppers growing in Tabasco factory greenhouse. Text reads "Let's Tour the Tabasco Factory & Museum, Avery Island, Louisiana.

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One Comment

  1. I had to smile at this with the memory of every time Joe took me out to dinner, he’d ask for hot sauce and then be told “Tabasco” which was presented. He liked that and I am now better informed. How often does the mouse travel now/

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