Time again for another Day in the Life of Me capture! As always, I follow Ali Edwards’ schedule and once again I also decided to follow her prompt of Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. Initially this idea of breaking the day down into sections didn’t appeal to me but then as I thought more about it in advance of the day, I realized it was actually a pretty good way to break it down. I wear many hats and my hats can pretty easily be broken down into sections right now so why not.
(otherwise known as “Working Mom” hat)
My alarm is set for 5:45 each week day. I’m the first one up so I start the coffee then hit the couch. I give myself about 30-45 minutes of slow wake up time. I check Facebook, Instagram, and email and basically pretend that real life is not waiting for me to face it. At 6:30, it’s time to either “face the music” or “make the donuts” depending on which cliche you prefer. I usually opt for the donuts myself.
I make lunches for the girls then double-check that they are awake on my way to get dressed. At 7:25 we head out for the bus/dog walk. After I walk and feed the dog, I either soak up a last few precious moments of silence, do some last minute chores (like start dinner, put in a load of laundry, etc) or maybe even scramble a bit to finish prepping my activities for school. Today I’m scrambling, especially after I discover my wallet has fallen out of my purse and gone to work with Ron. Oh no!
Once I’ve gotten myself and everyone else out the door, it’s time for work. I teach morning pre-k/kindergarten at the school where my kids attended. Three hours with a group of 5-year-olds wears me out!!!
Would you like to see my entire morning in just 43 seconds? Here you go… (p.s. sound is not required for these videos so you can watch at work and the boss will never know!)
(otherwise known as SAHM also trying to make a buck)
Once school is out, working mom hat comes off and stay-at-home mom hat goes on. My SAHM hat comes with a special “side hustle” badge. I’m not working, per se, in a regular job. But I have picked up a couple afternoon odd jobs to make a few extra bucks. I drive two kids from my school to their afternoon programs. Then I have a couple dog-walking jobs. Once I finish that, it’s time to squeeze in as many errands as possible then go home to (take a quick mental health break) then walk my own dog, get dinner started, move the laundry, etc. You know- the standard SAHM chores. Add in a little “soccer mom” shuttle driving and the SAHM picture is complete.
Now for your viewing pleasure, my afternoon in 25 seconds…
(otherwise known as survival mode)
Once the sun goes down, my brain shuts off and I enter survival mode. Some evenings aren’t too busy and I can be in pajamas by 8. Other evenings run later. At this point in any given day, I’m just hanging on, waiting for the day to finally be over so I can go to sleep. Survival mode.
On the docket for this evening is a presentation at the high school, counting our Girl Scout cookie booth money from the weekend, and picking up Bella from guard practice.
Have you noticed that the videos are getting shorter? Survival mode! Here is my evening video clip (all 18 seconds of it!)…
Also on Instagram
If you’d like to watch my Instagram story recap from today, go to my profile page and click on the circle with the bear in it, labeled Day in the Life (click here to go to Instagram). I can’t guarantee the link will work for you but give it a try! I’ve got more details in my story there than I do here or in the one-second video clips. Hopefully the link does work for you because my Instagram story has the best, most comprehensive overview of my day.
A couple pictures, just because…
You know, in case you don’t like to watch videos.

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