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What would you do if you were home alone all day?


This episode of Day in the Life is a little different than the last two (February 2019, November 2018) because it fell on a Saturday rather than a weekday.  To make it even more unusual, my family was out of town for the weekend.  It’s just me and the dog holding down the fort.


As a diehard morning person with a dog who doesn’t understand the concept of sleeping in, I was up at 6:40 a.m. I let Cooper outside, started the coffee, and snuggled under the blanket on the couch to surf the internet.  Before long Cooper was on my case to get moving.  Apparently he thinks a walk and breakfast are more urgent than Facebook.


collage of dog, coffee, and blue sky
Saturday mornings are for dog walks and coffee!


After a frosty walk (with blue skies! and sun!) we both had breakfast then I vacuumed while Cooper panicked (he does NOT like the vacuum!) and picked up around the main level just a bit in preparation for potential video filming later.  After these few quick chores it was time for errands.


using a vacuum in the living room
Who left all this dog hair on the floor anyway?!


Sadly the sun is gone already but I don’t need sunshine to enjoy some shopping at AC Moore (snowflakes for school and yarn recon for Bella’s blanket) and Dress Barn (going out of business sale – so sad to see them closing!) before an early lunch at Firehouse Subs (yum!).  After lunch I head to Michaels (more yarn recon) and Starbucks (because coffee obviously!) then head for home.


Collage of various stores
Enjoying a little shopping on my day off.


Upon my return home, Cooper informed me it was time for his walk.  After his walk, I informed Cooper that it was time for my break.


Taking a minute to get caught up online.


Break is over… back to work!  I only have one day to myself and I can’t afford to waste it on frivilous things like napping or reading. It’s time to tackle the technology gremlins and record my intro for the Big Trip Planning video that I have decided to make.  It’s still cloudy so I dig around in the basement, looking for Ron’s special photo studio lights.  Bingo!


Recording is a success.  To celebrate Cooper has decided we need a cold walk in the rain.  (Somebody needs to explain the idea behind celebrations to that pup!) At least the walk earns me a little time to try to figure out the video editing process.  Not too much time though… Cooper is a very hungry pup and needs dinner!


on bed with laptop, working
Will I be able to figure out this video editing business?


collage of dog with food; dish of food next to laptop


Dinner break then more editing and I’ve got a 30-second intro video.  Woot!  Once more Cooper takes charge of the celebrations with a suggestion of playtime followed by a bedtime walk.  It’s not raining anymore but it is dark and cold.


Bedtime snack and pajamas for me then I get to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie.  It’s even a new one that I haven’t seen yet.  Yay!


All in all, not a bad day home alone. 🙂

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