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So here we are again, capturing another day in the life.  In some ways it seems like every day is like every other day. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut.  For today’s Day in the Life, Ali Edwards suggested the theme of Gratitude.  Appropriately seasonal for a November capture, even if it is a few days past Thanksgiving.  I usually do my own thing and have never followed the suggested theme before but decided to give it a try today. After all, I do have much to be thankful for in my life.


#1 – Coffee

I stayed up too late last night (a bad habit that I have whenever Ron is out of town – sometimes intentionally and sometimes not – I stay up late on the first night he is gone) and now I’m extra tired.  I am thankful that I have coffee to wake me up with it’s warm comforting creamy sweetness and I’m thankful for the warm blanket and cozy couch while I wait for it to brew.  Trying not to dwell on the disaster that is my messy kitchen because I don’t see it getting clean anytime soon.

day in the life coffee pot
Need. Coffee.


#2 – My job

This is an obvious one to be thankful for but it’s not for the reasons you might think.  I am thankful that my working hours don’t start until 8:30 and that I live only 3 blocks away.  I can spend my morning taking care of my family and getting them out the door with a few extra minutes of quiet to myself before I have to leave.  It’s a bit of a slow start which is the way I like it.  No need to rush and stress – there’s time.

day in the life classroom door
Looking through into my classroom


#3 – My class

Last year I had a class of all boys – full of energy and not particularly interested in anything but building blocks.  It was a struggle all year to try to keep them engaged for more than 2 minutes.  I was frustrated and ready to “retire” from teaching (can you really call it retirement when you’ve only been teaching for 4 years?).  This year I have a class with more girls than boys and a group that is ready to learn.  Such a nice change.  (I’m still ready to “retire” but this year it has nothing to do with my students.)

day in the life playtime at school
Playtime is the best time!


#4 – My dog-walking jobs

I love dogs.  These two dog-walking jobs that I have fit very nicely into my schedule.  I can earn a few extra bucks to pay for my Starbucks habit and I get to hang out with dogs.  I spend time outside which we all know is very good for us and get a little exercise.  I don’t always love it – sometimes it’s hot or freezing or I’m just plain tired – but overall it has been a good thing.  And did I mention that there are dogs?

day in the life dogwalking job time
Dog time!


#5 – Health Insurance

I am thankful Ron has a good job with good health insurance.  I have been having asthma troubles off and on for the past few years.  After a long breathless spring and summer I finally got myself in to see an asthma specialist and now have a regular prescription.  I like breathing – I’m a big fan! I don’t love the fact that I’m using a daily medication but I am thankful for feeling better and for the insurance that helps to pay for it.

day in the life lunch and coffee
Park once, get all my errands done!


#6 – Podcasts and audiobooks

I am a latecomer to podcasts but have been a fan of audiobooks for quite some time. I always do my first walk of the day without any headphones but on my other walks I like to listen while I walk.  I usually listen to Harry Potter while walking.  It keeps my mind engaged when needed but I’ve heard it so many times that it’s also easy for my mind to wander and be creative without missing anything.

day in the life podcast audiobook harry potter
Harry Potter is my walking buddy. I’m almost done with Book 7. Again.


#7 – My van

We recently retired Old Faithful, the minivan that has been with us for 13 cross-country road trips.  In its place we have adopted Sully.  Sully is only one model year newer but is 153,000 miles younger!  We had a rough start (broke down the first day!) but now that he has settled in, Sully has quickly become a part of the family.  I love to travel, especially road-trip style, and am happy to have a van that holds all my family and all my stuff for all my adventures.  Even when we’re not off having adventures, a reliable car is a key to daily happiness as we drive all around town constantly.

day in the life driving
Driving, driving, driving… always driving somewhere


Those are the highlights.  If you’d like to see some video footage from the whole day, you can watch below.  I posted it originally as an Instagram story (so that’s why it’s in vertical format) but couldn’t share it publicly so had my Video Queen (Bella) help me get it transferred to YouTube. Enjoy!


Bonus challenge… go back to Day in the Life from March and see how many things are still the same in my life.  Or you could always check out a whole week in my life from May!

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