“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.”
-Naya Rivera

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“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.”
-Naya Rivera
Sharing is caring!
Hi! I’m Sheila - a wife, mom to 3, and favorite human of a slightly-neurotic dog. I’m laid-back, sometimes scattered, a little curious, love to laugh, and always up for a fun road trip. Be amazed! Be inspired! Let's share the joy of discovery together.
Weary Willie and Freddie the Freeloader are just two of many famous happy hobo and sad tramp clowns. Both Willie and Freddy are hobo clowns but with opposite personalities. Weary Willie is a sad, down in the dumps tramp clown and Freddy is an optimistic, happy hobo clown. What’s the difference between a hobo and a…
Today is Earth Day which seems like a good time to talk about one of the rules I try to live by. Robert Baden-Powell said, Leave this world a little better than you found it. I learned this tenet as a young Girl Scout and have carried it with me all my life. I say…
A refrain heard often in schools every day. No cuts in the line! No frontsies, no backsies, and no saving places. All school children are well aware of the rules but it sometimes seems as though grown-ups have forgotten. Whether it is intentional bad behavior or just because we are becoming so self-absorbed that we…
Luis Soriano is a modern-day, one-man version of the Packhorse Librarians. He is a teacher in Columbia and twice a week he loads his two burros with books, grabs his biblioburro sign, and rides for 8 hours round-trip to bring books to rural children near la Gloria, Columbia. Watch as Luis tells his story An…
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” -William Butler Yeats, poet This is how I feel about my new blog – like a fire has been lit. I am so happy when I stumble across a new tidbit or story. So excited. So fun! Sharing is caring! More
Who’s your favorite Care Bear? At our house, it’s Cheer Bear. Of course, to us, she will always be “Care Bear” because she’s the only one who matters. Care Bear came to live with us, and specifically, to live with Bella, in May 2004. We had discovered at Bella’s two-year-old well-child check that she had…