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Eek!  It’s almost here already!  I feel like I’m still recovering from Day in the Life (you can read about it here, here, and here).  I’m not ready for another big documenting project already!

What’s the problem you might ask. I’m known as the Scrapbook Fairy and I love pictures.  So why am I dreading this great opportunity to create a time-capsule of our life right now?

If I take a moment to reflect, I know that my feelings are based on previous memories of doing the week-long project.  I have a hard time maintaining momentum for an entire week which means this project will require some sustained effort and motivation (which can be hard to find seven days in a row). One day is a better bite-size project.  However, the week-long project brings other benefits.  My life is not the same each and every day of the week so this longer project allows us to see and capture the variety of our lives through the week.

I have never regretted participating in this project and despite my slight trepidation, I am willing and able.  I can do this! (Going right now to set a reminder alarm on my phone.  I have a tendency to forget when it comes time to actually start. I’d hate to miss anything exciting on Monday morning like dragging out of bed at o’dark thirty.)

Ali Edwards has a great Q&A post on her blog that includes plenty of tips for different ways to complete this project.  This one also resonated with me – Our days are built with stories.  That seems like a good focus for me to aim for this year, especially since I just did Day in the Life so recently.  If you’re playing along, you may want to check them out.  If not, then just come on back here next week and read about how my Week in the Life project is going.

So what do you think?  Are you in?

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