Fastest Things on Wings – A Day in the Life of a Hummingbird Rescue Volunteer

Fastest Things on Wings – A Day in the Life of a Hummingbird Rescue Volunteer

This is the story that caught my attention… Every 20 minutes, from dawn to dark, the babies need food. That means catching hundreds of fruit flies a day, freezing them, crushing them with mortar and pestle, and mixing the mush with special nectar supplemented with vitamins, enzymes, and oils in precise combination. The mixture spoils…

collage of photos of driving car, cattle, rain, mechanic


  Today’s post is inspired by a recent episode of Mike Rowe’s podcast, The Way I Heard It.  If for some reason, you don’t know who Mike Rowe is, check his somewhat irreverant bio here.  The Way I Heard It is a series of short mysteries for the curious mind with a short attention span. Episode…