Title: From Blank Slates to Snowy Escapes-What We Read in January imposed over an image of a gray sofa piled with open books in a room with brick walls and large windows. The wall displays the text "No Chapter Left Behind Book Club." Books are also scattered on nearby surfaces and there is a January calendar.

What We Read in January – No Chapter Left Behind Book Club

The first month of the year is the perfect time to dive into the books we’ve been meaning to read, and the No Chapter Left Behind Book Club kicked off the year with an inspiring selection! Each month, members choose books from their own shelves—no pressure, just progress—and have the option to follow a fun…

two bananas with speech bubble that says Mmm snacks! next to title: 20 Days of Me, Day 10

Snack Time!

Day 10 of the 20 Days of Me… We’re halfway through the series and I don’t know about you, but I’m getting kind of hungry. Let’s have a snack! Favorite Snacks This is a tough one to answer. I like snacks. Lots of different kinds at different times of my life. So let’s do a…

20 Days of Me - Day 6 - Collections

Penny Lover

Day 6 of the 20 Days of Me! Do you collect anything? I am a bit of a packrat so I am always collecting, even unintentionally.  But I do have a couple purposeful collections.  Of these, squashed pennies are the main one. What is it about these flattened pennies that makes me want them so…

20 Days of Me - Day 3 music playlist - Put your iPod on shuffle and tell me the first 10 songs that play.

Music Mania

Day 3 – Music It’s time for another entry in the 20 Days of Me series.  The “rules” for day 3 are to put my iPod (or MP3 player in this case) on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up. Are you ready?   My MP3 is pretty much always set on…